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Mental Health
is a right for everyone

Mental health should not be defined by "whether we have mental illness", but rather by the ability to face life's challenges, realize ourselves, and connect with others. We believe that psychological distress is part of being human and does not prevent us from finding meaning and happiness in our lives.

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We provide tools based on your emotional needs.

Based on the stratified stepped care approach, first assess your mental health status, then suggest appropriate service

Based on the result of mental health assessment, you will get...

All members
Mental health promotion tools
Chatbot icon


Articles icon


Webinars icon


With mild to moderate psychological distress
Mental health promotion tools
Self-help courses
Self-help icon

Self-help courses
*supervised by clinical psychologists

Mindfulness-based training, Cognitive behavioral training

Self-help icon

Skills-based Workshops &
Mindfulness Group Practice

With severe psychological distress
Mental health promotion tools
Self-help courses
supported with...
Guided self-help and group therapy
Self-help icon

Self-help courses
*supervised by clinical psychologists

Mindfulness-based training, Cognitive behavioral training

Self-help icon

Group therapy
*led by clinical psychologist

Group cognitive behavioral therapy (GCBT)

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)

Register for free, become a member, and start a Tour to our Heart.

Learn more about TourHeart+

74% adults with common mental disorders (e.g., anxiety, depression) do not seek help*

We aim to facilitate uptake of self-care and promotion of everyone's mental health.
Bilingual chatbot icon
Bilingual chatbot sharing various mental health topics to guide you to well-being
Content designed for general public icon
Content designed for the general public, especially emerging adults and tertiary students in Hong Kong
Corporate package catering icon
Corporate package catering Hong Kong workplaces
*Lam, L. C. W., Wong, C. S. M., Wang, M. J., Chan, W. C., Chen, E. Y. H., Ng, R. M. K., ... & Bebbington, P. (2015). Prevalence, psychosocial correlates and service utilization of depressive and anxiety disorders in Hong Kong: the Hong Kong Mental Morbidity Survey (HKMMS). Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 50(9), 1379-1388.

Who we are

We are committed to integrating psychology and technology to create a new possibility for mental health support in Hong Kong.

Our team includes clinical psychologists and psychology-trained members, as well as members from various fields including data science, user experience design, communications, business, and marketing.

Creating a person-centered and mental health-conscious environment requires the collaboration of many parties. We hope to be a part of this process.

Prof. Winnie Mak icon

Winnie W.S. Mak

  • JCTourHeart+ Principal Investigator
  • Co-founder of StoryTaler
  • Professor at the Department of Psychology, CUHK
For the past 20 years, Winnie focuses her research in stigma and diversity, tech-based mental health promotion, personal recovery, and mindfulness.
Amanda Fu icon

Amanda Fu

  • JCTourHeart+ Project Manager
  • Clinical Psychologist
Amanda is committed to making mental health psychoeducation and services more accessible to the public.
Amanda Li icon

Amanda Li

  • Co-founder and CEO of StoryTaler
  • Instructor on JCTourheart+
  • Registered Clinical Psychologist
  • Mindfulness teacher
Amanda co-founded StoryTaler to reduce mental illness stigma and promote mental health in the community. She seeks to advocate and work together with people in recovery towards person-centered care.
Ella Zoe Tsang icon

Ella Zoe Tsang

  • Instructor on JCTourheart+
  • Registered Clinical Psychologist
Ella is a Clinical Psychologist who is also a Florist and a Japanese Preserved Floral Art Instructor. She aspires to promote mental health and reduce mental illness stigma.
More team members' description coming soon...

Background of Jockey Club TourHeart+

In 2017, The Chinese University of Hong Kong received a donation from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust ("the Trust") for the Diversity and Well-being Laboratory to design and implement the Jockey Club TourHeart Project, which lasted for 3 years.

In 2021 and 2024 respectively, the Trust provided two donations to the team to enhance and revamp the project based on user feedback, resulting in the current Jockey Club TourHeart+ Project. We endeavor to offer a personalized, evidence-based online self-help platform supplemented by offline professional support.

TourHeart+ design idea banner
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